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 Mission statement of the project: 

The Artifact is a pubication that emobodies what it is to be a student in this day and age; what it is to be part of Generation Y. This generation is on this brink between the traditional life and this entirely new, technological, competition based way of life and it is up to us to form this transition and revolutionize the way of life​. We learn differently than our precedents and we know how to mold life to work according to how we understand things. As a generation as well as individuals, we're not only getting to understand our place in the world but recreating it, breaking boundaries and pushing limits farther than they were set up to be, essentially just moving forward.


On that note, that's what this publication represents: moving forward and trying new things, creating new identities and being part of new communities. It's about us trying to get people to see things from the perspective of this younger generation and show them how we're trying to impact the world in our own way. 


The Artifact is a publication where we have taken two years worth of learning how to be a journalist and went out and did journalism how we do best. We wrote articles that relate to being a student, being part of this generation, and showcase as well as represent what our 21st century world will continue to look like.


Through the exploration of different categories or topics such as arts and culture, food, sports, and advice-approached interview articles, you will be able to understand what it is that embodies this generation's mindset. With this embodiment, The Artifact will remain a memory of what we put into expressing ourselves--our interests as well as our journalist writing style--for us to share with you, our readers.


The Artifact is more than just a title: it is what it is by definition, an object created by human beings. It is the legacy of our time at Dawson College, of our time learning to be better journalists, and of us becoming somewhat of a family.​​

© 2017 by The Artifact

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